Sunday, July 18, 2010


So a friend of mine named Tariq is doing this new project called The Refocus Project where all those who participate (in whatever way you do) strive to rid the world of hunger.
What you have to do is everytime you hear a crappy piece of celeb gossip and are enlightened about stuff that doesn't matter; go to the sites listed in the dooblydoo (crotchbar) below the video (link above) and answer questions. For every correct answer that you give, you donate 10 grains of rice to the Hungry.
If you don't want to test your brains, you can go to the other sites below and donate at the click of a button.
In august, tell us how much you have given by posting a video of yourself in response to this video or that of Tariq's.
Let's make people fatter!!! Eating is good!

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